James Brown Living In America ( Rocky 4 ) 60 FPS
Rocky IV is a 1985 American sports drama film written, directed by, and starring Sylvester Stallone. The film costars Dolph Lundgren, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Carl Weathers, Tony Burton, Brigitte Nielsen and Michael Pataki. Rocky IV was the highestgrossing sports movie for 24 years, before it was overtaken by The Blind Side. It is the sequel to the 1982 film Rocky III and it is the fourth and most financially successful installment in the Rocky franchise. In the film, the Soviet Union and its top boxer make an entrance into professional boxing with their best athlete Ivan Drago, who initially wants to take on world champion Rocky Balboa. Rocky s best friend Apollo Creed decides to fight him instead but is fatally beaten in the ring. Enraged, Rocky decides to fight Drago in the Soviet Union to avenge the death of his friend and defend the honor of his country. , RockyIV, JamesBrown, LivingInAmerica