Madonna Only Wrote One of Her Hit Songs by Herself
Madonnas songs often topped the charts but she usually had a little help writing them. She wrote one of her most famous songs entirely on her own. Subsequently, a musical icon helped make the track a single. , madonna, madonnafans, s, queenofpop, madamex, madonnafamily, music, madonnafan, icon, iconic, madonnacollection, madonnalove, queen, mdna, madonnamusic, love, madonnastyle, rebelheart, art, pop, gay, madonnaciccone, madamextour, madonnacollector, bitchimmadonna, madonnaqueen, fashion, vogue, mlvc, madonnafanclub , likeavirgin, ladygaga, popmusic, britneyspears, madonnahistory, madonnaphotos, madonnaforever, smusic, arianagrande, madge, madonnapictures, madonnaqueenofpop, madonnaworld, michaeljackson, smadonna, legend, madonnastory, whenmadonnaruledtheworld, likeaprayer, squeen, vinyl, instagay, instagood, madonnalive, taylorswift, pride, rebel, beyonce, artist, bossbitch