Pope Visits Prison (1964)
Full title reads: Rome. Pope Visits Prison. Rome, Italy. GV As Pope Paul VI enters the Rotunda in Rome s Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) Prison which houses 1, 500 hardened criminals including murderers. SV The Pope with arms outstretched acclaiming the prisoners. They applaud. Pan up to the prisoners applauding the Pope standing on the balconies around the Rotunda in the jail. SV The Pope standing in front of the altar which was built by the prisoners from scrapped wood. CU Pan one of the prisoners walks forwards and he kisses the Pope s hand and then the Pope blesses the prisoner GV Ditto. with prisoners applauding. SV Prisoners applauding. AS Prisoner looking through barred windows. SV The Pope addressing the prisoners. CU ditto. GV Prisoners standing around on balcony s listening. SV The Pope giving Holy Communion to prisoners. SV Two prisoners kneeling praying. CU The Pope giving Holy Communion to prisoners. SV Prisoners. LV Prisoners trying to touch the Pope s hand as he leaves the Rotunda. (F