French Customs Probe (1947)
Thought to be Selected Originals from late 1940s material. The Smuggling Racket Pathe Joins A French Customs Probe. France, Belgium Border. CU A French railway guard blowing a whistle. CU a French train (steam) moving off. MS Customs officers entering compartments and inspecting passenger luggage when the Franco Belgian frontier is reached. CU Cigarettes are found in a suitcase. CU a dog passenger barks as the customs men enter the carriage. CU Tortoise among clothes in a suitcase. CU at the next station on the route the tortoise collector is checked up on and coins are found hidden under the tortoises shells. CU a girl being searched. A roll of paper money is found in the shoulder strap of her petticoat and she wears several pairs of stockings. CU Gag shots of an elderly traveller reluctantly taking off his underwear under the quizzical gaze of the customs officer. The traveller keeps his hat on and his monocle in. Possibly connected with 47, 42 MD. Possibly in tin marked UNSO 41, 42. FILM I