Baldurs Gate 3 Karlachs dream about Dammon ( Hidden dialogue)
In Baldur s Gate 3, you can access a special, uniqueperOrigin scene if you long rest on the Ravaged Beach (the place you wake up posttutorial) without any other companions recruited. Karlach s version of the scene ordinarily has her fantasise about a threesome with a halfling and a goliath, but there s actually a variant of the scene where she fantasises about kissing Dammon instead. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, it s IMPOSSIBLE to trigger this version of the scene normally: you have to have met Dammon, but leaving the beach area means you can no longer trigger the solo first rest scene. I figured out how to flip the tags on the dialogue so that it would actually play ingame, and decided to record it to share with anyone else who might enjoy this ship