I tried Every Champ starting with S in the Jungle so you wont have to, a z jungle, 11
I got cancelled. . SUBSCRIBE to see future videos AZ JUNGLE SERIES, 11 THIS VIDEO ONLY TOOK 92805 HOURS TO MAKE Subscribe to my other channels: Nightblue TV Channel (second channel): Nightblue3 Clips Channel: WATCH ME LIVE follow me on twitter join our Discord 0:00 Intro 0:28 Samira 2:43 Sejuani 7:52 Senna 9:55 Seraphine 11:47 Sett 12:59 Shaco 17:26 Shen 19:35 Shyvana 23:27 Singed 25:13 Sion 27:28 Sivir 32:00 Skarner 34:26 Sona 42:35 Soraka 45:33 Swain 48:30 Soraka v2 50:24 Sylas 54:55 Syndra 56:47 Jungle Synergy Tier List Edited by: Thumbnail artist: Business inquiries email: