Mystery solved How to cook the tastiest and crunchiest chicken wings
Mystery solved How to cook the tastiest and crunchiest chicken wings Ingredients: chicken wings 1. 5 kg lb) starch 30 g (1 oz) garlic powder 10 g oz) smoked paprika 10 g oz) spicy paprika 10 g oz) salt 5 g oz) black pepper 5 g oz) for the sauce: tomato sauce 100 g (3. 5 oz) honey 50 g oz) butter 70 g oz) salt 5 g oz) black pepper 5 g oz) for the salad: red cabbage 200 g (7 oz) cabbage 200 g (7 oz) red onion 1 piece tomatoes 1 piece red bell pepper 1 piece cucumber 1 piece green apple 1 piece carrot 1 piece lemon juice 10 ml fl oz) for the sauce: sour cream 80 g oz) mayonnaise 40 g (1. 4 oz) mustard 20 g (0. 7 oz) garlic 1 clove salt 3 g oz) black pepper 3 g oz) Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: