Rice Tofu, with Chili Sauce (凉拌米豆腐)
Rice Tofu Not a lick of soybean here, this tofu could be thought of as more of a. .. firm, slippery rice cake. Great ingredient. 0:00 Introduction and Background 1:44 Making Rice Tofu 4:14 Making Chili Oil topping 5:37 Outro Tips for Doneness Written recipe is also over here on, r, CasualChina, if you prefer your written recipes in Reddit form: And there s a full, 19 minutes of uncut footage of Steph doing the 2. 5:1 water to rice rice tofu here if you like: INGREDIENTS, RICE TOFU Aged Basmati Rice, 100g. Or, if you happen to be China based you can find the granary rice as 陈米, or in Guangdong as 肠粉米 Calcium Hydroxide (树石灰), 2g. Water, 250mL750mL. Water quantity depends on your desired r