P. Lion Happy Children Video HQ
If you want to support the channel please visit our Patreon page : You can find more available membership plans, promotion options on We also offer a vast variety of instrumentals, sound engineering (mixing mastering), album cover art and more P. Lion Happy Children :: Lyrics ::This song is by P. Lion and appears on the album Springtime Lion (Pietro Paolo Pelandi) is an Italian singer and musician who achieved his greatest success in the took the name of P. Lion because of the three P s in his name and because the symbol of his family is a lion (his father was count of Alzano Lombardo). He started to play the piano and write his own music at a young age. Little is known about his private life, just that he divorced in 1990 after four years of marriage. He lives now with his son Always the war In nineteen eighty three This is the world of today In ou br, br,