German Patrol Boats of World War 2 ( Deutsche Patrouillen Schiffe des zweiten Welt Kriegs )
Lesser Known German Kriegsmarine Coastal Patrol Boats of the Second World War Support On Patreon ( Deutsche PatrouillenSchiffe des Zweiten WeltKriegs ). SBoot or Schnellboot ( fast boat ) Fast Attack Craft from 1929 Type 23 Torpedo Boat from 1926 Speed 43. 8 knots (81. 1 km, h, 50. 4 MPH) Crew 120 to 129 Displacement 1, 290 tons (max) Type 35 Torpedo Boat (Flottentorpedoboot Fleet Torpedo Boat ) ElbingClass Torpedo Boats (or Flottentorpedoboot 1939) Type 40 Class Patrol Boats, Landing Craft : PionierSicherunsboot 43 Patrol Boat from 1944 R Boats (Räumboote or Minenräumboote ) Siebelfähre or Siebel Ferry Marinefährprahm (MFP) FClass Escort Ships or Flottenbegleiter from 1936 1939 M Class Minensuchboot 1935 Vorpostenboot VPBoats, Flakships Sperrbrecher or Pathfinder ( Mine Barrage Breaker ) , germany, ww2, history, youtube