10 MIN Stretch using a Yoga Ball, Exercise Ball
Amy from Amy s Beach Fitness does a 10 min stretch using a stability ball prior to her 35 Minute Full Body Workout Class Class. Feel the soothing relief of this awesome stretch session. Please subscribe to this channel. Videos downloaded daily. HD 1080 quality , stretch, stretchroutine, warmup, musclestretch, personaltraining, fitnessinstructor, fitness, exercise, stretching, stretchingexercises, fitnessstretching, preworkout, preworkoutwarmup, preworkoutstretch, personaltrainer, fitnesstrainer, fitnesstraining, stabilityball, stabilityballstretch, exerciseball, exerciseballstretch, yoga, stabilityballyoga, yogastretch, thesweatlife, lululemon D I S C L A I M E R This is my own personal workout and may not be suited for you. . As with all exercise programs, please use common sense. It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By engaging in this exercise or exercise program, you agre