WNBA All Star Liz Cambage CHALLENGES MEN to 1v1 and Goes CRAZY ( Chris Johnson Hoops; 14 11 2020)
Лиз Кэмбидж разваливает мужиков 1 на 1 ; ))) ChrisJohnsonHoops WNBA AllStar Liz Cambage CHALLENGES MEN to 1v1 and Goes CRAZY WNBA AllStar Liz Cambage is one of the best players in the W And I dont think there is a lot of men that can beat her in 1vs1. She gives the men all they can handle in 1s. , LizCambage, Cambage, ЛизКэмбидж, Кэмбидж, WNBA, AllStar , ChrisJohnson, Johnson, КрисДжонсон, Джонсон, NBAMasterTrainer , Околобаскетбола, ChrisJohnsonHoops, SwishCultures , 1x1, 1v1 , Стритбол, УличныйБаскетбол, Streetball, Баскетбол, Basketball , США, USA