Mathilde Santing sings In the morning
In the Morning (of my life) is a song by Barry Gibb. Appears on Under Your Charms in 2006. Mathilde discovers the song when she hears the implementation of Nina Simone. Her beautiful songs alarm goes off right away, and funnily enough all right during the intro, when Nina s voice has not yet heard. In the announcement just before the song they called the band the best band in which she played ever and smiles at the audience: What people want to say. ... a little patience Simon Gitsels plays the solo. Band: Simon Gitsels keys Haye Jellema drums Lené te Voortwis bass Thomas Welvaadt trumpet Jac Bico guitar Cok van Vuuren guitar Audio Engineers: Sebastiaan Meijer, Eric Hendriks Video Director: Lida Ammerlaan Light Director: Gé Wegman