Giant gorilla exploding with emotion at female gorilla Shabani and Ai
After breakfast, when Shabani was sleeping alone, Ai would gently approach her. She stared at Shabani for 2030 minutes. Shabani couldn t take it anymore and hugged Ai It was a short time, but they both looked so happy , gorilla, shabani, westernlowlandgorilla, higashiyamazoo, animal, Japanesezoo, Ape, silverback Shabani Born October 20, 1996 Place of birth Appenhure Primate Park (Netherlands) Nene Born in 1972 (estimated) Africa (wild) Ai Born February 27, 2003 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo Kiyomasa Born November 1, 2012 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo Annie June 2, 2013 Place of birth Higashiyama Zoo