RECORD OF LODOSS WAR: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth OST
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a Metroidvaniastyle videogame for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Nintendo Switch and Xbox. The soundtrack was never released seperately, but was included with the limited edition of the videogame. It was composed by PEPOSOFT. TRACKLIST: 00:00 1. Invitare Welcome to Wonder Labyrinth 00:55 2. Sensazione Feeling 01:18 3. Prologo Breath of Labyrinth 05:24 4. Contatto Making Contact 06:02 5. Orgoglioso Ghim the Proud Dwarf 07:22 6. Dissonanza Resonation 08:02 7. Conflitto Into Battle 09:42 8. Fiamma del Caos The Cave 13:12 9. Vivere Woodchucks Invitation 16:29 10. Alloscurit The Elves 16:42 11. Nebbioso Into the Fog 20:19 12. Arciere Master of the Bow 22:08 13. Contrattacco Emotional Overload 28:23 14. Desiderio The Dark Elves 30:09 15. Spirituale Tears of a Memory 31:33 16. Cavaliere The Proud Knight 38:01 17. Potente Potere End of the Line 40:53 18. Fine del Labirinto