Буквокрылый дымчатый коршун, An Australian bird that fought for its life in the middle of the road, Letter Winged Kite
An Australian bird that fought for its life in the middle of the road, Letter Winged Kite The letterwinged kite (Elanus scriptus) is a small, rare and irruptive bird of prey that is found only in Australia. Measuring around 35 cm (14 in) in length with a wingspan of 84100 cm (3339 in), the adult letterwinged kite has predominantly pale grey and white plumage and prominent black rings around its red eyes. It gains its name from the highly distinctive black underwing pattern of a shallow M or W shape, seen when in flight. This distinguishes it from the otherwise similar blackshouldered kite. This species is also the only nocturnal species within the order Accipitriformes despite few differences found in its visual anatomy to other closely related kites. The species begins breeding in response to rodent outbreaks, with pairs nesting in loose colonies of up to 50 birds each. Three to four eggs are laid and incubated for around thirty days, though the eggs may be abandoned i