Skeleton Television One Minus One Equals Nothin
One Minus One Equals Nothin The story of a Man and his best friend, of Love, Loss, and Reunion. DP: Nick Poulos Skeleton Television Mike Skipper Bennett Park Zach Haller Mastered by John Mayfield in Nashville IfIonlyhadthevoice Tocallasloudasyoutome I dsayhelloandthankyouforstoppingby There ssomanystoriestotell ButIthinkwe ddojustaswell Toloveequallythetimewithoutreply OhI mlostalloveragain Mybadhabitsandmyrepent You rethereflectionthatshowsmemydisguise I mjustsomeoldclothes Hopingthattheseamswillhold We vegotplentytimetogoroundbeforewedie Imissyouwhenyou regone Imissquestionandresponse ImisseveryinspiredthoughtI mnotthinking Imisscoffee, Imisstea ImissyousoImissme I mtryingto