IELTS Practice Exam Kiara from China Band 7. 5
Free IELTS materials: Join us for a new practice IELTS speaking test with Kiara from China . Kiara does a great job and performs really well in her fluency and coherence (FC) and lexical resource mark (LR). She s quite easy to understand but the issue is that she makes a number of grammatical mistakes throughout the speaking. Join our FULL Speaking Course on Udemy 30 discount for YouTube students. Use PROMOCODE: IELTS2707 Become a member of IELTS Daily: , ieltstest, ieltsexam, ieltsteacher IELTS Daily is an independent, private organisation with no affiliation to any of the IELTS companies (Cambridge, IELTS, British Council or IDP) and none of these companies actively endorses the work of IELTS Daily.