The Best Paint For Beehives Just may NOT be Paint After All, Eco Wood Demonstration and review
Welcome to my channel and in this video I share my current favorite bee hive treatment. It s called Eco Wood and goes on like water yet preserves the wood without any toxic chemicals and is perfectly safe around your honey bees. Mix it up and dip your unfinished wood hives, set them out to dry and you re finished. As weeks pass and there are several rain and dry cycles, the finish becomes much darker. Takes on a green cast with pine and turns a weathered silver with cedar hives. Flow Hives in particular have many tight joints, removable panels, and wood vent holes that paint brushes just can t get into. Going forward, I plan to treat ALL of my hive components that are composed of untreated wood, with EcoWood. THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO, I HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP WITH ECO WOOD. You can support this channel by using the Amazon affiliate links below: We profit from qualifying purchases. 5 gl packet of EcoWood : This is the mixe