PMV, Foal Hymns
A ponified cover of the song Old Hymns by Prince Whateverer and ISMBOFepicly. The PMV revolves around the CMC and their ongoing quest to get their cutie marks. This time, however, they seek the answer in journalism, by writing gossip columns for the Foal Free Press. It is here where the CMC learn that gossip can be a very hurtful thing and will only make other ponies feel horrible. Original song by Funeral for a Friend. You can listen to it here: Prince Whateverer: ISMBOFepicly: All the vectors used can be found here: Many thanks to those who created em. Special thanks to ISMBOFepicly for the request. brohoof A big F. U. to Youtube for ruining the quality of the song, video. Thanks again for watching Please, don t forget to subscribe, if you want more awesome