Trauerquell Gedanken Einer Winterdepression ( Demo) (2010)
Depressive Blаck Metal from Germany (Bavaria, North RhineWestphalia) Good Bavarian material, in the best traditions. Published by Corkra Productions. Album released in January 14th, 2010 Label: Corkra Productions Trauerquell Gedanken Einer Winterdepression (Demo) (2010) More info: Norgarth: Drums, Vocals Suraku: Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards Tracklist: 00:00:00 1. Einführung: In Die Nacht Hinein 00:02:15 2. Schatten Der Vergänglichkeit 00:07:38 3. Der Tod 00:13:26 4. Auf Der Nebligen Waldlichtung 00:22:05 5. Morgendämmerung Other info: Download: Subscribe to not miss the information: DBM Archive Twitter: DBM Archive Facebook: DBM Archive VKontakte: DBM Archive YouTube: Copy