No BS TS, 22 Typescript, React Advanced Properties
We figure out the right way to send state setting actions to nested components. As well as how to wrap html elements with all the appropriate properties using DetailedHTMLProps. 00:00 Introduction 00:59 Typing useState as props 03:48 Using ReturnType 06:40 DetailedHTMLProps 09:50 Adding custom props 11:14 Outroduction Types: Code: If you liked this video, buy me a coffee What s my theme Night Wolf dark blue What s that font MonoLisa Jack is also on the React Round Up podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord serv. .., JackHerrington, typescriptforreactadvancedproperties, typescript, react, typescriptforreact, typescript, reactadvancedproperties, typescriptreactadvancedproperties, typescript, react, NoBSTS, 22Typescript, ReactAdvancedProperties, Typescript, ReactAdvancedProperties 20210526 9y0eY6hs1QM