Triplets Have Conversation With Unseen Figure
ID: 3421048 This spooky CCTV footage captured what seemed to be some triplets talking to an unseen figure. On January 26, 2021, Caitlin Nichols, 25, overheard her two year old triplets Presley, Millie, and Hays arguing between each other in their home in Georgia, USA. When she checked her baby monitor, the two year olds seemed to be arguing with the wall. Although the encounter has not occurred since, Caitlin claims the triplets have woken in the night since claiming a monster was on the same spot. Please contact for media, licensing, broadcast usage SUBMIT A VIDEO: Connect with Caters: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Instagram: Company Information: Caters Clips is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature sto