The Girl In The Woods, Official Trailer, Peacock Original
The Girl In The Woods is streaming October 21st on Peacock: Synopsis: Set in the Pacific Northwest, The Girl In The Woods follows Carries escape from her mysterious, cultlike colony that guards the world from monsters hidden behind a secret door within the woods. Starring Stefanie Scott (Carrie), Misha Osherovich (Nolan), Sofia Bryant (Tasha), Will Yun Lee (Arthur Dean), Kylie Liya Page (Sara), Reed Diamond (Hosea) and Leonard Roberts (Khalil). Directed by Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones) and Jacob Chase (Come Play). The Girl In The Woods is produced by Crypt TV. About Peacock: The streaming service from NBCUniversal thats as free as a bird. Current hits. Timeless classics. Timely updates. Stream Now With Peacock, stream current hits, hundreds of movies, thousands of episodes of TV shows, and exclusive Originals plus timely news, live sports, WWE, and daily pop culture. Peacocks got all your faves, including Parks Rec, Yellowstone, Modern F