I Tried to Create a Viral Tiktok
Short videos have recently become a big thing, not only on Tiktok but also on Reels. In this video you will see the process from beginning till the end of the pretty cool video I created in hopes to go Did it work Lets see. Create Stunning Artworks and Animations using Photoshop and After Effects: TIMECODES: 0:00 About Viral Videos 0:39 My Viral Idea 2:20 Shooting our Viral Video 4:00 Editing the Image in Photoshop 7:36 Level Up Your Skills 9:34 Editing TikTok video in After Effects 12:30 Our Viral Video is Ready 12:54 Did it Go Viral Most Viral Tik Tok videos are random people dancing. In my case I tried to use my art background to create something unique and interesting. In this video you will see my idea process, how I sketch the story, shoot the video, edit the scene in photoshop and finally do the video edits in after effects.