Masters of Dirt Vienna 2012 Official Review
Over 20 000 visitors were treated to Masters of Dirt creator Georg Fechter s latest crazy vision this past weekend. Three days of sold out shows meant that 40 more tickets were sold than last year. With the motto of if it s got wheels it can fly, the crew of more than 100 specialists produced a show of the highest calibre. A night full of highlights had 20 riders and more in the air at the same time on FMX bikes, BMX s, Mountainbikes, Quads and Snowmobiles an unforgettable image which saw the World s best riders converge on Vienna from 4 continents to entertain the Viennese public. On Friday evening tentime Dakar Rallye winner, Stephane Peterhansel, made a special appearance with his race winning Mini to greet the fans. On Saturday our Spanish Quad pilot Hugo Arriazu had a frightening crash when a backflip went badly wrong. Luckily he emerged from the incident relatively unscathed. One of the funnier moments saw a car an br, br,