Doctor Who 7th Doctor Pandorica Speech
This is the 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) performing the speech from The Pandorica Opens originally performed by the 11th Doctor Matt Smith. FULL SPEECH: Hello Stone Henge. Who takes the Pandorica takes the Universe, only bad news everyone cos guess who, ha . Listen you re all whizzing about, It s really very distracting so could you all just stay still a minute because I am talking Now question if the hour is who has the Pandorica Answer I do, next question, who s coming to take it from me C mon look at me no plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn, oh and something else, I don t have anything to loose so, if your sitting up there in your silly little spaceships with all you re silly little guns and you have any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight Just remember who s standing in you re way, remember every black day I ever stopped you and then, and then, do the smart thing and let somebody else try