Пишем масляными красками, картина Гора Уллу Тао. Artist Alik Oleynik
Painting Mount UlluTao oil on canvas, 100x140 cm. 2021 UlluTau is the famous mother mountain, located in the Caucasus, in the AdyrSu gorge, where springs with living and dead water flow and many tourists and pilgrims gather every year, and of course is an inspiration for artists. Subscribe, comment, I still have a lot of interesting things to show and tell you. Artist Alik Oleynik. тел. +7 918440 65 84 , Oilpaintingprocess, Artist, AlikOleynik, WaterLilies, sketches, landscapes, acrylic, oiloncanvas, paintings, monumental, Studio, горныйпейзаж, brushes, studies, cleanwater, rivers, pleinairs, beautifulnature,