HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION 2002 Clip ( The Death Of Laurie Strode)
This is a clip from Rick Rosenthal s 2002 slasher horror feature Halloween: Resurrection, the eighth entry into the franchise and the seventh sequel to John Carpenter s 1978 genrechanging masterpiece Halloween. Until the 2018 reboot of Halloween, this movie marks the final time Jamie Lee Curtis would play the role of the original Final Girl of slasher movies, the perpetually victimized Laurie Strode. Set three years after the final moments of the previous movie, the 1998 blockbuster Halloween: H20, Laurie Strode has been committed to a California sanitarium for murder. Through hospital gossip, we learn that the man that Laurie decapitated was not Michael Myers at all. It seems that Michael crushed the larynx of a paramedic that came to work on him and traded places with him. The nurses keep Laurie heavily sedated, but we learn that is a ruse and she has been hiding her meds, preparing for her inevitable final confrontation with her hated brother. After tracking her to the sanitarium, Michael fo