X Files Mulder Scully did you ever have one of those days
firstly, Thankyou from the bottom of my phile heart to everyone who has subscribed to me, taken time to watch, and, or comment on these yes, i am a shameless approval seeker, so thankyou; ) may be one of those vids that i really like but no one else does jusssst have a feeling i started it last month and then pushed it aside to do the william vids, but after those 2 that were so emotionally loaded, i needed to do something different. Also, i am learning sony vegas which i have only had for 2 mos, so this gave me an opportunity to try some new stuff. can t believe i stuck with vidding given the crapware i used to be using couldn t do anything with it This one is dedicated to my sig other, Scott, also a huge phile who unlike me, could ve cared less whether MS ever hooked up as long as he got to see Gillian Anderson in her underware again and some shit blow up half a wish is better than nothing, huh xo love to all of you truly. (ps thi br, br,