Jumping down from heights, another must have skill for a ninja
We have already showed few different ways of climbing and descending, but not about jumping down, we can easily imagine from movies and cartoons. It is just as it sounds, no tools, no equipment, but you risk to get badly injured if you do it wrongly. Master Kawakamisensei will teach us the technique to keep our body safe from the shock and how to overcome the fear when a ninja has to jump down from heights. Online Course Creating Project We launch the first worldwide crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for the creating Nindo Online Academy in Ninjas history on May 13, 2021. What is NINDO Nindo (way of ninja) is a program supervised by Master Jinichi Kawakami, known as the last real ninja from Koka clan to make this precious know how your own. (Iga and Koka are the 2 most known clans for ninja) It is a world first training program which certifies Ninja DAN (rank) by following and passing exams. See what s