SCP Serpents Hand Explained ( SCP Animation)
The Serpent s Hand is one of the most dangerous Groups of Interest that opposes and fights back against the SCP Foundation, and they are suspected of being responsible for numerous security breaches as SCP sites and locations. They are a small but formidable group, and they seem to be growing in size at a rapid rate. The group embraces the use SCP creatures and objects and the Serpent s Hand has been extremely vocal in criticizing the containment and destruction of these SCPs by the Foundation. LIKE SUBSCRIBE to SCP Explained Story Animation Watch these other SCP videos we love: SCP5000 The Suitcase (SCP Animation) SCP999 The Tickle Monster (SCP Animation) SCP082 Fernand the Cannibal (SCP Animation) SCP387 Living Lego (SCP Animation) by TheRubber