Immortal Disfigurement Showcase OV Phlegm ( Official Video)
Director, DP, Editor Joey Durango Mixed, mastered Chris Foster Artwork voidgazer (Instagram) LYRICS Inevitable demise. Crawling from the chapels, collecting for their dismal father. Taking shape of familiar figures. The double doors open for the sisters. Stained glass cracks and turns to hellish imagery. Blood OV Christ spills. Holy structures disfigured in front of his bloodshot eyes. A darkened sanctuary. Temple of betrayal. The adversary. Mangled masterpiece. Fixed as a new shrine at the altar. Ectoplasm fills this forsaken room Havoc Abbess Holy war descent He is home. Fire fills the catacombs. A darkened sanctuary. Temple of betrayal. The adversary. Levitate. Consumed by flames. He is home, a bloodlust for pain. A darkened sanctuary. Temple of betrayal. The adversary. Mangled masterpiece. Fixed as a new shrine at the altar. Ectoplasm fills this forsaken room Flies swarm around the chapel and fill the skies. Ripped limb from lim