ALL NEW Clash of Clans BOOKS OF CLASH + Goblin QUEEN + Galadon Challenge
ALL NEW Clash of Clans BOOKS OF CLASH, Goblin Queen and a GALADON Challenge If you don t WIN a Book of Clash from my live streams, you can still get one either at or on Amazon Become a member of the channel and get perks and SPECIAL privileges: , ClashofClans, BooksOfClash, Challenge, GoblinQueen Clash of Clans longest running YouTube channel Galadon Gaming Be sure to check out the playlists for the continuing series: No Cash Clash, Gold Pass Clash, Fix That Rush, and MORE Stay uptodate with the latest Clash of Clans META, bases, attacks, new strategies, and of course the earliest and most accurate update information by subscribing and turning notifications ON CoC PLAYLISTS: Clash of Clans 300IQ Series: Clash of Clans UPDATES: Clash of Clans Fix That Rush aka Gem That Rush : Special thank you to the channel sponsors, via the AXE Club: Brian S. Winson Y. Stanton W. Founding members Special thanks to my TOP tier Patreon supporter, Zekeofthefalls