Wet Felting Wrist Cuffs Beginner Wet Felting Tutorial, livingfelt
Shop Wrist Cuffs supplies here: Wet Felting Wrist Cuffs Beginner Wet Felting Tutorial: We are kicking it old school with these bold wet felted wrist cuffs This beginnerfriendly tutorial uses prefelt to quickly and easily wet felt perfectly fitting cuffs that add a bit of glitz, glam, and interest to your wrist Marie demonstrates how to wet felt a solo cuff with prefelt, wool, and luster fiber embellishments, and finishes this cuff a bit of beadwork and a button closure. Create matching friendship or family wrist cuffs by making a larger felt fabric to cut more wrist cuffs out of The possibilities are endless with these fun and simple wet felted wrist cuffs TIME STAMPS 00:00 Welcome 00:47 Wrist Cuff Supplies 01:24 PDF Template Planning Cuff Size 02:45 Wool Layout 03:44 Embellishment Layout 06:05 Wet Out 06:49 Felt by Rubbing 08:25 Felt by Rolling