ГРОМЫКА Говорил я вам, GROMYKA As I Said Unto You
Громыка: ВКонтакте: Facebook: Instagram: Громыка, Gromyka from Petrozavodsk, Karelia, play As I Said Unto You in Behemoth club, October 02, 2015. Снято и записано на концерте в клубе Бегемот Петрозаводск 2 октября 2015 года. Distorted Soviet Retro Chic GROMYKA is a rockgroup formed in Petrozavodsk, Russia, in 2014. The groups name is a reference to Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet foreign minister. In Russian the word is also reminiscent of thunder and noise. To define their music, GROMYKA coined the term heavy psychedelic twist reflecting three parts of their sound: heavy, thunderous rhythm section, psychedelic sounds produced by bizarre stylusoperated synthesizer Stylophone 350s coupled with a glockenspiel and proclaiming and formidable vocal, influenced by Soviet 60s patriotic twist singers like Muslim Magomaev. While claiming many influences (from Joe Meek to Oberiu