Birds of Kenya
Birds of Kenya, 196 species. Filmed during a birding trip in March 2022. Guides: Chege Mungai, Ontdek Kenya and Wilson Tiren. I used some sound recordings from Peter Boesman on Xeno Canto, with his permission. All video and other sound recordings Birdfun. I used the eBird, Clements taxonomy. Birds shown: 0:08 Vulturine Guineafowl 0:20 Helmeted Guineafowl 0:30 Rüppells Starling 0:42 Superb Starling 0:54 Hildebrandts Starling 1:04 Violetbacked Starling 1:24 Redwinged Starling 1:35 Bristlecrowned Starling 1:47 Greater Blueeared Starling 1:57 Pied Kingfisher 2:07 Giant Kingfisher 2:19 Striped Kingfisher 2:30 Greyheaded Kingfisher 2:43 Woodland Kingfisher 2:55 African Blackheaded Oriole 3:07 Common Bulbul 3:18 Lilacbreasted Roller 3:30 Rufouscrowned Roller 3:39 European Beeeater 3:49 Bluecheeked Beeeater 3:58 Whitethroated Beeeater 4:10 Northern Carmine Beeeater 4:20 Whitefronted Beeeater 4:32 Little Beeeater 4:42 Cin