Avenging Varus The Fate of Arminius and Germanicus (17 AD)
We conclude the epic Avenging Saga with the tale of the fate of Arminius and Germanicus. You can learn more about the history of eastern europe through our sponsor. . Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: This history documentary is a continuation of our Avenging Varus series. The Roman Army of Germanicus finally broke the back of the Germanic army of Arminius at the Battle of the Angrivarian Wall in 16 AD. With two massive losses back to back, the tribes of the north now finally began peace talks while Arminius and his closest companions slunk away to lick their wounds. The following year was looking to be another massive showdown between Germanicus and Arminius. However a letter from Emperor Tiberius declared an end to the fighting, drawing a line in the sand which would define the fate of the region for centuries to come. In the aftermath we follow the fates of Arminius and Germanicus.