The Cup Returns To Wolverhampton (1949)
Wolverhampton, Staffs. Various shots of crowds welcoming Cup winners. LS. The Wolverhampton Wanderers football team riding on top of coach driving through cheering crowds ( 2 shots) LS. Travel shot cheering crowds. LS. Coach driving towards through cheering crowds. LS. Elevated crowd surging forward. MS. Coach passing. LS. Elevated shot crowds gathered in front of the Town Hall. MS. Line of policemen holding back crowd. SCU. Stan Cullis speaking from balcony of Town Hall addressing crowd. LS. Elevated shot massed crowd. CU. Head shots of people in crowd. SCU. Head shot of people in crowd. SCU. Stan Cullis speaking from balcony, pan to Billy Wright coming up on balcony, holding cup. LS. Elevated cheering crowds. SCU. Billy Wright on balcony holding up cup. LS. Elevated waving crowd. SCU. Heads of people in crowd. SCU. Billy Wright on balcony. Another member of the Team (Wolves) comes out onto balcony. MS. Cameramen on roof of Town Hall. CU. Cup pan up to Billy Wright. CU. Head shot of boy in crowd wavin