NEW Holiday Havoc
1. Christian Casanova vs. Marq Quen 2. Ron Zombie Bull Dredd vs. The Battle Brothers (Anthony Battle Chris Battle) vs Adrenaline Rush (Daniel Evans Keith Youngblood) vs Amazing Graysons (JP Grayson Tommy Grayson) (, 1 Cotenders Match for NEW Tag Team Title Match) 3. Josh Briggs vs. Punishment Martinez 4. Kasey Catal vs. Kaitlin Diemond 5. The Kingdom (TK O Ryan Vinny Marseglia) (c) vs The NOW (Hale Collins Vik Dalishus) vs. (NEW Tag Team Title Ladder Match) 6. Man Scout Jake Manning vs. Cam Zagami 7. Jack Swagger vs. Wrecking Ball Legursky 8. Cody Rhodes vs. Flip Gordon vs. Big Bacon Brad Hollister (NEW Heavyweight Title Match)