Sweet Cotton Candy Song, Kids Funny Songs
, kidsfunnysongs, babysongs, kidsvideo, childrensongs I got a sweet cotton Get away Hey, bring it back Hey, bring it back Sweet cotton Hello Hi Can you please give me this one Here you are Thank you Bye Hmm Ah, what No, no Ohh, what have you done Hey, dont cry. I will take for you Lets go Hi Can you give me this one Ok. Here you are Wow, thank you so much Welcome Heyyy Hey, give me one more Oh, there is no more Nyam nyam so tasty Hey Come on. We got one for you Its so nice of you. Thank you so much 09:42, Зарима: Sweet cotton candy for you and me Sweet cotton candy that s so good for me Its made of different flavors, different colors It makes me so happy Sweet cotton makes me feel so good Sweet cotton this is my favorite food Sweet cotton I dont wanna loose Sweet cotton is so cool