VA Attitude Adjustment 3 ( Full Album)
Subscribe to TRANCENTRAL: The digital story has come full circle, the third installment have been mixed down and materialised into 12 potentially attitude adjusting pieces, once again forming a Parvati Records puzzle. While it has undoubtable been a challenging and grim year, it is even more certain that in times such as this, the need for a psychedelic broadcast is more great than ever. Like a bright sky of hope and vibration trough the thick fog of uncertainty. We hope that you are willing to allow this attitude adjustment to take place once again, and know that it is custom made with the intention to remind you of the community that is indeed out there waiting for you. Use your mind and body like the metaphorical antennas as they are and tune in to the deep, twisted program a third time. The destination for this trip is the future, just as it is uncertain, it is still unsane and sane just as we always like to express it. Just as life is ment to be experienced, attitude