Queen Somebody To Love, , Jennifer Connelly Of Love and Shadows
Somebody to Love is a song by the BritishrockbandQueen, written by thelead singer, pianistFreddie Mercury. It debuted on the band s 1976 albumA Day at the Racesand also appears on their 1981 compilation albumGreatest Hits. The song has similarities to Queen s earlier hit Bohemian Rhapsody with its complex harmonies and guitar solos; however instead of mimicking an English choir, the band turned to agospelchoir. It reachedNo. 2 in the UK and No. 13 on theBillboardHot 100in the US. The song demonstrated that Queen could swing as hard as it could rock, by channeling the spirit of gospel music. Written by Mercury at the piano, Somebody to Love is a soulsearching piece that questions God s role in a life without love. Through voice layering techniques, Queen was able to create the soulful sound of a 100voice choir from three singers: Mercury, Brian May, andRoger Taylor. John Deacondid not sing backing vocals on the recorded