Sewing a Historically Accurate Hocus Pocus Cosplay Making the Stays ( Corset)
The late 17th century is a sadly ignored time period when it comes to media so let s dive in to what fashion would have actually been worn in the age of pirates and other spooky things with starting a historically accurate Winifred Sanderson cosplay TLDR: those Halloween pirate costumes you see everywhere are missing the mark. And about 10 yards of fabric. Our first video is all about 17th century stays the predecessor to the 19th century corset. So let s take a look at how this garment would have been made (completely sewn by hand ). It s not a sewing project for the faint of heart one might even say it s a little bit scary No to the bad Halloween joke Ok, then. Who s ready for some staymaking ASMR br, br,