2021 SDR Guide Ep 12 : SDR Theatre fail with my Air Spy R2 and RTL SDR dipole kit
I took a trip to the theatre to do some monitoring with my SDR gear. Several things went wrong Although my Software Defined Radio worked just fine, I ran into several issues watch the video for more This video also gives some details about how to monitorin Production Intercom traffic and radio moc (wireless mic, cordless mic) signals with your SDR. I used an Airspy R2 as my SDR. I also used the trusty RTLSDR dipole kit or direct at Production Intercom audio was provided by OCPAC and a 5 minute audio clip with video can be found at Donations to the Frugal Radio channel can be made via PayPal from the link at As always, thanks for watching the Frugal Radio (FR) channel