Soviet Hand Over Flags To Hungary AKA Soviet Troops Hungarian Troops (1948)
Budapest, Hungary On the Anniversary of the Liberation of Hungary, Soviet soldiers hand over to Hungary, flags captured by them in 18489. MS President Zoltan Tildy of Hungary, inspecting a guard of Hungarian troops (2 shots). MS Standard bearers with escort. CU Good close ups head shots of Russian soldiers, wearing tin helmets, with Soviet star on the front. MS Russian standard bearers. MS Hungarian standard bearers with dipped flags. LS General view of the ceremony. CUs Individual head shots of a Hungarian soldier, military cadet, boy scout, and girl guide. MS An unidentified column with a winged figure. MS Massed Russian standard bearers. CU Flags, which will be handed over. MS Russians marching with historic banners. MS The presentation of flags between two lines of soldiers. MS The ceremony in progress beneath Russian officers on the platform behind. MS Russian General Kuraszov and President Tildy at the salute, pan to handing over the banners.