Desolate Isolation An Ode To Suicide (2017)
Depressive, Black Metal from United States (Manhattan, New York City) Интересный полноформат от талантливого ньюйорского дуэта. Материал предоставлен специально для сообщества club119585242 (Depressive Black Metal Archive. ) Album released in August 1st, 2017 Label: none Desolate Isolation An Ode To Suicide (2017) More info: Aloysius: All instruments, Vocals Brain Fong: Drums Est: Bass Feature on track 4, Guitar feature on track 5, Synths on track 6 An Ode to Suicide was recorded over a 6 month period; in which about one to two songs were created per month, in short, but inspired, bursts of creative energy. All songs on the album were recorded in the comfort of my own home, with the exception of the final drum tracks. With drums on the album, they were recorded live first, and then later programed intoa drum machine. All songs on the album contain genuine emotion; nothing plastic or forced came of this album. All the sadness and dysp