Mechanical Parrot UNPAID
Crimson curtain way too crimson Actors laughing way too much Spotlights move without a reason Stage sets need a strong retouch Except that no one is watching Yeah, there is simply no audience, Im sorry we couldnt sell a single ticket Not that we tried though, no, not a tiny bit of shitdrop Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey You didnt have to stay You didnt have to pay But since youre here today, its totally on you Artist earns what arts deserving Theatres need to make ends meet Thats not why the curtains burning Yet you jump out of your seat Except that there is no exit Weve blocked the door with a piano and now youre our precious guest, forever welcome fire spreads quickly, enjoy the show while youre still breathing Hey You didnt have to stay You didnt have to pay And still youre here today We dont get paid We Dont Get Paid