Up the bounties : Erik Prince s plan to free Venezuela
Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro blatantly rigged the recent elections, which outside observers believe he lost in a landslide, with roughly 70 of Venezuelans voting to remove him from power. Erik outlines his proposal for getting rid of Maduro and his narcogang without American intervention. Mark Serrano: x. com, markvserrano Erik Prince: x. com, realErikDPrince ABOUT OUR SPONSOR The Unplugged Phone is here After 3 years of development, product testing, and finetuning, the first 10, 000 Unplugged Phones are now available for purchase and just in time. Congress recently expanded FISA to allow the government to compel private companies to turn over sensitive personal data without a warrant, or even an excuse. Unplugged is designed to prevent your data from being collected in the first place, meaning the government cant spy on you without your knowledge. Get yours today at , Venezuela, Maduro, Election, ElectionIntegrity, Freedom, Socialism