Its happening right before our EYES as predicted DEVILS Unleashed
But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man Matthew 24:37 Your support assists with the work of the ministry Ways to Give: Paypal Donate here Venmo Donate here Cash App Donate here Don t have Paypal Donate here: Donate by Check or money order. Make checks payable to: SBP Ministry Mailing address: SBP Ministry PO BOX 21272 Bakersfield CA. 93390 In advance, thank you for your contribution to the ministry. Visit our website for tracts, outreach gear: SavedbyPreaching Questions or comments: Like and share this video and in turn you labor with us in the harvest field Comments are not open for all videos. If they are open for this video, keep comments mature and respectful. No slander, cursing, hatred, vile language, etc. Not debates. Debate is a sin. Romans 1:29. Any questions email us. Thank you.